- Software Development Engineer II, AWS Redshift
- Master of Science in Computer Science, University of Southern California - 2021
- Distributed Systems
- Distributed Databases
- Database Internals
- Distributed Machine/Deep Learning
- Machine Learning for Systems
Software Development Engineer II - AWS Redshift
- Dec 2023 - Present
- Aurora PostgreSQL - AWS Redshift Zero-ETL
- Alter Sortkeys for Zero-ETL Tables
- Python2 - Python3 Migration
- Misc. System Stability Improvements
Software Development Engineer - AWS Redshift
- Jul 2021 - Dec 2023
- Automatic Table Optimization
- Primary key -> distribution key for AUTO tables
- Misc. system stability improvements
Software Development Engineer Intern, AWS Redshift
- May 2020 - Aug 2020
- Snapshot Inspector - allowed for near-instantaneous verification of backups which previously took hours of work
Network Analytics Engineer, aikaan.io
Master of Science in Computer Science, University of Southern California (2021)
- 3.66 / 4
- Machine Learning, Foundations of Data Management, Applied Machine Learning for Games
Bachelor of Technology, REVA University (2018)
- 3.76 / 4, Top 16 of Graduating Class of 350
- Machine Learning, Big Data, Operating Systems, Programming Languages and Compiler Design
Publications / Presentation⌗
- OpenRAP: A Distributed, Scalable, Offline CDN - International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science
- ResQoS - CyPhysS 2018 - Indian Institute of Science